Do you have a financial safeguard set up to protect your loved ones after you pass away? With a well-thought-out life insurance plan, you can do just that.
The purpose of life insurance is to help provide a measure of financial well-being for your family and loved ones when you are no longer there. With the purchase of a well-planned life insurance policy, you can help ensure that your family and loved ones will be taken care of.
Life insurance may provide you with an array of benefits such as providing for funeral costs and final medical bills, along with helping with life expenses for your dependents and/or survivors. BUT, what really sets it apart from other financial options is that it receives advantageous tax treatment unlike any other financial tool.
Benefits include:
- Death benefits to the beneficiary are usually income-tax-free;
- If properly owned, death benefits may be estate tax free;
- Policy loans are usually income tax free; and
- Cash values can grow tax deferred during the owner’s lifetime.
As an independent insurance firm, we are able to shop dozens of insurance carriers to find the best rates and product solutions to fit your specific needs and goals. In addition, we offer complimentary reviews on your existing life insurance contracts.